How Do I Start Decluttering?
People often ask, how do I start decluttering? There is, of course, no magic formula. What I typically tell people is that you need to assess your individual situation and come up with a plan. No two people are alike, and no two decluttering plans are alike. There are, though, several common ways to get going, and we will discuss them here.

Declutter Deck®
Our Declutter Deck® is a great way to declutter your home in bite-sized pieces that can seamlessly fit into your daily routine. Get your home organized with the help of 52 prompt cards. Each card provides a prompt that digs into the spaces in your home that need organizing attention. Helps keep you on track. Just pull a card to start!

Hanger Hack - Zero Effort Decluttering
Most likely, if you haven’t worn something in the past six months, you won’t wear it again. It’s time to let it go: donate. And, donate with joy. A quick, easy hanger hack is to turn all your hangers backwards. As you wear an item, turn it forward. After six months, you’ll be able to see what you wear and what you don’t. A simple and effective hack.