Hidden Storage Recommendations
No one likes a cluttered living space.
Disorganization and clutter make life harder than it needs to be. A disorganized home isn’t typically comfortable, which means it’s not comfortable for guests and family. It also makes for more work in the long run because there is a constant need to “tidy.”
There is a difference between tidying and cleaning. When a house is untidy, it means that it is messy, things are in disarray, and clutter builds up in places that get in the way. There is often a need to repeat “tidying,” which is essentially chasing your tail. To put an end to the endless cycle of tidying, we suggest hidden storage as one solution.
The question is: What can you do if you have too many items and not enough space to store them? If your living arrangement is small, have your furniture do double duty in the form of hidden storage. From different pieces of multifunctional furniture to vertical hanging storage units and shelves, there are many interesting and discrete ways you can store items and reduce clutter throughout your home.
Minimize the clutter – Maximize the space
Whether it’s a pile of clothing, a mountain of toys or a huge stack of loose papers, clutter is nothing more than a distraction that can take away from the beauty and peace of your living space. As many studies have shown, clutter can also make you feel tired and overwhelmed. When you create hidden storage solutions, you contain the clutter and simultaneously make your space feel more peaceful and put together. Hidden storage also makes your space feel bigger because furniture takes on two different purposes. Hidden storage moves your clutter out of view. First, though, it is important to tidy so as not to have “hidden messes.”
The Uncluttered Life, Inc. also features items under our Decorganizing® trademark. Decorganizing® means combining items that are both beautiful and hide clutter. We have highlighted a few of our Decorganizing® recommendations to use in your home.
More organization makes for maximized living space.
Having your space and clutter organized makes for a better way of life. Having clutter completely out of site in hidden storage is even better. To fully maximize living space, you can add creative, hidden storage, multifunctional furniture like we have suggested in this list, or put a storage system in your closet. The way you design your hidden storage is up to you. We are suggesting that the storage provide both form and function. By adding in a few pieces of hidden storage, you’ll see how much better and open your space feels.
Added tip: Before reorganizing rooms in your home, go through the clutter and decide if things still make sense and have a purpose in your home and life. If you use something, find a place for it. If you haven’t touched something in years, get rid of it by donating or discarding the item. This is one of the most common reasons clutter forms in the first place.
If you need additional help with clutter and organization, feel free to call us for a virtual consultation. We are happy to discuss the hidden storage you have selected to see if it’s a good fit for your storage needs.