Plastic vs. Bamboo in Storage Containers
Many have made the choice to replace plastic with bamboo where possible and practical. If we scale up the environmentally friendly manufacture and use of bamboo, we can ultimately make a dent in the overconsumption of plastic. This blog offers the pros and cons of plastic and bamboo.

Mudroom Storage Options and Organization
People often ask, as they are decluttering and organizing their homes, what the best storage solution is for their needs. There is no simple answer to this question. In fact, storage is best determined by space. There are many choices from which to pick. We offer several ideas to help you get thinking about storage options in the mudroom.

Toss Box - How to Declutter Your Closet In No Time
Each time you touch an article of clothing, and the clothing doesn’t look right, you know you’ll never wear it again. The same is true if it’s too big or small, or it has a stain that bugs you. Put these in the “toss box.” Then, when you are ready to make the pilgrimage to the donation store, or a collection box, you’ll have things to donate.

Boxes vs. Baskets - Which Is Better For Organizing?
In the debate between which is better for organizing, boxes or baskets, boxes win hands-down. Every time! “Why?,” you ask. There’s one simple reason: it’s hard to put two baskets together without creating an awkward space in between. And, when you have a lot of things to store, you need that extra storage area so all space is used.

The KonMari Method® - Abbreviated
The KonMari Method® (by Marie Kondo) is a very cool process. It actually works. I’ve been trained in the method, and have achieved the Master Organizer distinction. It’s 1500 hours of work, lots of clients, and multiple reporting sessions. I find that each organizing opportunity gives me insight into the way people think about clutter.

Dorm Room Organization
Creative decorating and organization for a college dorm room are a real thing. As I’ve watched my friend pack a headboard, hutch, sheets, pillows, European pillows, decorative pillows, mattress pads, towels, and toiletries (just to start), I’m thinking to myself that I didn’t get this much stuff when I got married. Times have really changed.

Closet Clutter Chaos
Our main mission in the decluttering and organizing process is to allow you to be your best self, optimize what you already have, and make life easier and less chaotic. When we remain in the present, instead of worrying about the past or the future, we are in better touch with ourselves. This is great for our mental health.

Organizing Hacks 101
Everyone loves a good organizing hack. It’s what saves you all the buying, returning, rebuying and trying to figure out exactly how to handle the annoying space that isn’t just quite right, no matter what you do to organize it. Organizing hacks are tricks that we’ve learned from working in so many homes that are all different. Try some!