What is the Difference Between Clutter and Decluttering?
Clutter can make us feel stressed, anxious, and depressed. In fact, research shows that when we have clutter in our lives, it can increase our cortisol levels, the “stress hormone.” Living in constant clutter can make us feel like we are under unrelenting assault. Where does clutter come from and how can we let it go?

Gifts and Guilt - Let It Go!
There are always questions that go with deciding whether or not to return a gift. Will I hurt someone’s feelings? Will they notice that I don’t own the gift anymore? Should I regift it? (I’ve seen horror stories around this one!) Should I try to take it back? What happens if the return shows up on the giver’s credit card statement? Nightmare.

The KonMari Method® - Abbreviated
The KonMari Method® (by Marie Kondo) is a very cool process. It actually works. I’ve been trained in the method, and have achieved the Master Organizer distinction. It’s 1500 hours of work, lots of clients, and multiple reporting sessions. I find that each organizing opportunity gives me insight into the way people think about clutter.

Feng Shui
When we have too many things occupying one space, or things that aren’t being utilized, this creates a blockage of energy flow. Feng Shui practitioners refer to this as clutter. A simple technique in this tradition is referred to as clutter clearing. Clutter clearing is a way to look at how to let go of things to clear energy and clutter.

How Do I Organize and Declutter By Myself?
Here is the first question to ask yourself when deciding to tackle decluttering and organizing by yourself: what does my ideal life look like? This is the first question the KonMari Method® asks, too. If we imagine our ideal lifestyle, we are able to take steps to organize our homes in ways that reflect how we truly want to live our lives.

Loss, Clutter and Letting Go
It’s important that we look below the surface, to help see the meaning of a situation and also its silver lining. Working with a client who had recently lost her best friend showed us that even in very small things, like a sweater, there can be a lot of emotion. When remembering a loved one, keep a sentimental item or two that has true meaning.