Clutter and Decluttering
The definition of decluttering is the process of deciding whether the things in your environment are clutter, and if not, where they belong in your home. And, in addition, acting on that decision once you have made it. The process of decluttering will help you make permanent, beneficial changes in your life. Here are a few suggestions.

Declutter Deck®
Our Declutter Deck® is a great way to declutter your home in bite-sized pieces that can seamlessly fit into your daily routine. Get your home organized with the help of 52 prompt cards. Each card provides a prompt that digs into the spaces in your home that need organizing attention. Helps keep you on track. Just pull a card to start!

What is the Difference Between Clutter and Decluttering?
Clutter can make us feel stressed, anxious, and depressed. In fact, research shows that when we have clutter in our lives, it can increase our cortisol levels, the “stress hormone.” Living in constant clutter can make us feel like we are under unrelenting assault. Where does clutter come from and how can we let it go?

What is the First Thing to Declutter?
When we approach a new client, we often discuss which direction they would prefer to go. Some of our clients prefer to use the KonMari Method®. The KonMari Method® moves in a sequence. This sequence is: Clothes, Books, Papers, Konomo (Miscellaneous Items) and finally, Sentimental Items.

Declutter Like You’re Paying Someone To Move Your Stuff
People pay their hard-earned money every day to store things they no longer need. Think about it. You buy extra hangers because you have so many clothes, half of which you never wear. You keep old toys in a playroom when what you really need is an office. I say: Get rid of everything you don’t need like you were paying to move it.

Save vs. Spend - When Is It Time to Call In Professional Organizers?
Most people don’t have time, plain and simple. They work, raise kids, cook dinner, feed pets, and everything in between. Where do tasks of cleaning out a closet, kitchen, drawers, laundry room, etc. fit into that schedule? It’s hard to find time. We have developed Declutter Deck® to break organizing into simple bite-sized chunks of time.

Loss, Clutter and Letting Go
It’s important that we look below the surface, to help see the meaning of a situation and also its silver lining. Working with a client who had recently lost her best friend showed us that even in very small things, like a sweater, there can be a lot of emotion. When remembering a loved one, keep a sentimental item or two that has true meaning.