Decision Fatigue and Decluttering
At the risk of oversimplifying, a key player in decision-making is your prefrontal cortex (the area of your brain just behind your forehead). This area of the brain determines how quickly or slowly you become overwhelmed. Known as the “amygdala hijack,” there is a lot to learn about decluttering and avoiding that overwhelming feeling.

What is the 20/20 Rule for Decluttering?
The 20/20 rule for decluttering is different from the 80/20 rule for decluttering. The 20/20 rule states that when struggling to decide whether to let go of an item, you should consider letting it go if you can replace it for less than $20.00, and you can replace it in less than 20 minutes.

What is the 80/20 Rule for Decluttering?
Known as Pareto’s Principle, the 80/20 rule was developed by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. in 1906, he noticed that eighty percent of Italian land was owned by twenty percent of the people. As an economic principle, it’s all about identifying the best assets of something and using them efficiently to recap the maximum benefit.

What is the First Thing to Declutter?
When we approach a new client, we often discuss which direction they would prefer to go. Some of our clients prefer to use the KonMari Method®. The KonMari Method® moves in a sequence. This sequence is: Clothes, Books, Papers, Konomo (Miscellaneous Items) and finally, Sentimental Items.

How Can I Declutter My Life and Reduce Stress?
Let’s face it. Clutter is stressful. It overtakes your life and makes it feel heavy, cumbersome, and difficult to manage. The more clutter you have, the heavier your life can feel. For that reason, it’s extremely important to take an approach to decluttering that confronts all the places clutter can collect. Really, it’s all about decluttering your life.

Swedish Death Cleaning
Any time you drop into my house, it’s visitor ready. Most people want to stop reading right here, and say that I’m crazy or abnormal. I get it. But, I also have learned a few tips and tricks over the years, and if you read further, you’ll see it’s not as hard as it looks. It makes it easy to invite guests in for a cup of coffee on the spur of the moment.

How to Get Your Energy Back by Decluttering
Energy and clutter are inextricably linked. When my home environment is dirty or needs decluttering, I feel exhausted. When my home is clean and tidy, I have abundant energy. By following some of our tips and tricks, you can keep your house in order and your energy high. It also keeps your mind clear for other things you need to do.

Make Space for Abundance by Decluttering
When you have more space around you, you have more space in your mind to think clearly, calmly, and from a fresh perspective. This serves you in making decisions, large or small, and moves your life forward. When you are overwhelmed with clutter, it’s hard to think clearly. We teach you ways to keep your mind focused and clear.

Declutter Like You’re Paying Someone To Move Your Stuff
People pay their hard-earned money every day to store things they no longer need. Think about it. You buy extra hangers because you have so many clothes, half of which you never wear. You keep old toys in a playroom when what you really need is an office. I say: Get rid of everything you don’t need like you were paying to move it.

Disguised Storage - Decorganize®
In our last blog, we talked about products that do double duty. Like storage ottomans and mirrors with hooks for jewelry. We love storage that doesn’t look like storage. We love ways to disguise storage, to make it look like it fits right in. We call it Decorganizing®,” which is organizing with beautiful and functional decor items.

Organizing and Decluttering for ADHD
We get a lot of calls from people with ADHD who need help decluttering and organizing their space. Those who call us for help typically tell us two things. One, they don’t know where to start to clear clutter and get organized. And two, their clutter and disorganization make their ADHD symptoms worse.

How Do I Organize and Declutter By Myself?
Here is the first question to ask yourself when deciding to tackle decluttering and organizing by yourself: what does my ideal life look like? This is the first question the KonMari Method® asks, too. If we imagine our ideal lifestyle, we are able to take steps to organize our homes in ways that reflect how we truly want to live our lives.

Why Do I Feel So Overwhelmed By Clutter?
Not only does clutter take up space in your home, it takes up energy. Lots of it. Clutter gets in the way of moving forward in life and makes you feel “stuck” because it’s always pulling you down. It needs attention. It begs for it. When clutter gets this heavy, it’s time to make a change. It’s time to declutter.