10 Statistics About Fast Fashion Waste
The effect of fast fashion waste on the environment is no news. Besides being responsible for nearly 10% of global carbon emissions, the industry is also known for the resources it wastes. Millions of clothes ending up in landfills. We suggest efficient decluttering, and purchasing wisely.

The Five Elements of Feng Shui
Are you Feng Shui-Curious? Maybe you want to learn a trick or two for your home or office. If you’ve been looking for answers, you’ve probably run across the concept of the Five Elements. Feng Shui divides the world into five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Learn more in this blog.

How Does a Pet Feel After You Organize Your Home?
I have a pet, a cat, and I regularly tidy up and go through the things he needs and loves. He doesn’t have a lot - he’s not a toy lover. But, he does have things I use regularly. This includes clippers, a brush, and definitely food, treats and medicine. Discard and/or reorder so that everything is fresh.