Easy Home Upgrades for Less Than $100
Though many home—improvement projects come with a steep price tag, there are many that are cost-effective upgrades. They can make a significant difference in the look of your spaces.

Six Kitchen Organizing Mistakes and Easy Ways to Fix Them - Part 2
Part 2: Everyone likes a good tip to organize kitchen cabinets and countertops. And, especially pantries. This two part blog discusses ways to make your kitchen more efficient and cut down on clutter and waste. Each tip or trick is easy to do, and makes a big difference in the way your kitchen functions.

Six Kitchen Organizing Mistakes and Easy Ways to Fix Them - Part 1
Part 1: Everyone likes a good tip or trick to organize kitchen cabinets and countertops. And, especially pantries. This two part blog discusses ways to make your kitchen more efficient and how to cut down on clutter and waste. Each tip is easy to do, and makes a big difference in how your kitchen functions.

Six Amazon Kitchen Organizing Products That Look Expensive - But Aren’t
In this blog, we’d like to tell you about some expensive-looking kitchen organizing items that are easy on your budget. We know these products will go a long way to improving your kitchen decluttering and organizing. Although not decorganizing® products, we think they function really well in your space as such.

Back to School Organizing Basics
The beginning of the school year brings with it fall weather, a more hectic schedule, and new demands on everyone’s time. While children look forward to a new school year, it can cause chaos in your home. Try a few of these ideas to get organized before school starts and the transition will be easier. Great tips and tricks for readers.