Decorating Your Home and Table for the Holidays
Home Organizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck Home Organizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck

Decorating Your Home and Table for the Holidays

Great design touches every one of our senses at the holidays. When you walk into a room, it shouldn’t just look beautiful - it should feel good, smell good, and be well lit. With the holidays just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to try out a few decorating ideas. For example, one of the biggest rules with lighting is to avoid relying on overhead lights.

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How to Donate
Downsizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck Downsizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck

How to Donate

In my home, if an item does not serve a purpose or serve me for a personal reason, I let it go. I feel that when I let go of things, it clears my energy and reduces distractions and visual clutter. Donating to others also changes their lives in positive ways. For example, if I have too much of one thing, I can get by with less and donate excess.

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A Few Tips to Keep Your Home Visitor Ready
Organization Hacks, Decorganize® Declutter Deck Organization Hacks, Decorganize® Declutter Deck

A Few Tips to Keep Your Home Visitor Ready

Any time you drop into my house, it’s visitor ready. Most people want to stop reading right here, and say that I’m crazy or abnormal. I get it. But, I also have learned a few tips and tricks over the years, and if you read further, you’ll see it’s not as hard as it looks. It makes it easy to invite a neighbor in for coffee at the drop of a hat. You can, too!

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