The Benefits of Matching Hangers
When we start organizing a client’s closet one of the first things we discuss is swapping out all the hangers to match. There are so many benefits to having matching hangers in your closet: a more streamlined look, better support for your clothes and even added space with some hanger options. That said, hangers are not one size fits all.

The Benefits of Decluttering Toys – Part 1
Simplifying the toys in your home will reduce clutter, stress, and improve the quality of your child’s play. This is Part 1 of 2 in an explanation of the meaning of toys, their importance, and the best way to declutter them. Kids can be fickle with toys. One moment they love them, the next they stay in the corner.

How Should I Declutter My Pet’s Belongings?
Pets are a gift to us. They comfort us when we are down, bring us tremendous joy, and yet, sometimes make a mess. This blog discusses the importance of keeping a tidy space for our furry friends. Pets are sensitive to their surroundings like people. Here are a few good ideas for you to try.

What is Time Blocking?
When I was in high school, I had a friend who made a homework schedule on Sundays. No matter how much work she had, she always got everything done. I was amazed by that system and adopted it as a life skill. Her time management or “time blocking” skill is one I use to this day.

Laundry Organization
A system for laundry creates organization. It keeps from having stacks and stacks of laundry that either never get put away or take up space in your home. The use of baskets, boxes, or some other organization methods makes laundry time easier. Read through this blog to get some tips and tricks to renovate laundry duty.

Back to School Organizing Basics
The beginning of the school year brings with it fall weather, a more hectic schedule, and new demands on everyone’s time. While children look forward to a new school year, it can cause chaos in your home. Try a few of these ideas to get organized before school starts and the transition will be easier. Great tips and tricks for readers.