Easy Home Upgrades for Less Than $100
Though many home—improvement projects come with a steep price tag, there are many that are cost-effective upgrades. They can make a significant difference in the look of your spaces.

Organize Your Home for the New Year
As the new year approaches, our thoughts turn to the endless possibilities for the next 365 days. And, with a resolution based on self-improvement, how we can declutter and organize our homes. Each year we vow to have a more organized life, one where everything has its place and can be easily accessed without turning our home upside-down to locate our keys.

The Benefits of Matching Hangers
When we start organizing a client’s closet one of the first things we discuss is swapping out all the hangers to match. There are so many benefits to having matching hangers in your closet: a more streamlined look, better support for your clothes and even added space with some hanger options. That said, hangers are not one size fits all.

Bookshelf Update
Whether you’re an avid reader, love design, or just want to infuse some new energy into your space, these tips will help you transform your bookcase into a great area of inspiration for the rest of your home. Change your bookcases by season to incorporate elements from outside your window into a space to enjoy.

How to Organize Shoes
First, go through ALL your shoes. Sort your shoes into those you wear regularly and those for special occasions. To save room and make it easier to find the pair you want, you'll also want to sort by seasons. Be sure to donate pairs you don't wear, aren't comfortable or have seen better days.

Six Kitchen Organizing Mistakes and Easy Ways to Fix Them - Part 2
Part 2: Everyone likes a good tip to organize kitchen cabinets and countertops. And, especially pantries. This two part blog discusses ways to make your kitchen more efficient and cut down on clutter and waste. Each tip or trick is easy to do, and makes a big difference in the way your kitchen functions.

Six Kitchen Organizing Mistakes and Easy Ways to Fix Them - Part 1
Part 1: Everyone likes a good tip or trick to organize kitchen cabinets and countertops. And, especially pantries. This two part blog discusses ways to make your kitchen more efficient and how to cut down on clutter and waste. Each tip is easy to do, and makes a big difference in how your kitchen functions.

Where and How Do I Begin to Declutter My Home?
A good place to start is in the bathroom. After you’ve conquered the bathroom, you can move on to other areas of your home. Feeling a win in your bathroom will be motivating and bring you more peace. You just have to get started. In this blog, we offer tips and tricks to get you started in your primary and secondary bathrooms.

Plastic vs. Bamboo in Storage Containers
Many have made the choice to replace plastic with bamboo where possible and practical. If we scale up the environmentally friendly manufacture and use of bamboo, we can ultimately make a dent in the overconsumption of plastic. This blog offers the pros and cons of plastic and bamboo.

How Does a Pet Feel After You Organize Your Home?
I have a pet, a cat, and I regularly tidy up and go through the things he needs and loves. He doesn’t have a lot - he’s not a toy lover. But, he does have things I use regularly. This includes clippers, a brush, and definitely food, treats and medicine. Discard and/or reorder so that everything is fresh.

Decluttering Mistakes
Decluttering, simply defined, is “removing a mess or clutter from a place.” That’s it. So, whether you chose one of the methods listed in this blog, a hybrid approach, or another method from one of our other blogs, just do what works for you. The most important thing is to get started.

Repair Broken Items
Little home repairs can make a huge difference in the flow of your home. For example, a door that sticks all the time can drive you crazy after awhile. So, too, can a broken chair that rocks every time you sit down on it. Once repaired, that little annoyance is gone. Make home repairs quickly and easily with some of our tips!

How Do I Start Decluttering?
People often ask, how do I start decluttering? There is, of course, no magic formula. What I typically tell people is that you need to assess your individual situation and come up with a plan. No two people are alike, and no two decluttering plans are alike. There are, though, several common ways to get going, and we will discuss them here.

What Should I Remove First When Decluttering?
Clothing is worn close to our bodies and, therefore, close to our hearts. By decluttering clothing first, we get in touch with our heart center. Digging deeper, it is most important to start decluttering with the clothing worn on the upper body. This is where we get in touch with ourselves. Based on the KonMari Method® by Marie Kondo.

What is the 80/20 Rule for Decluttering?
Known as Pareto’s Principle, the 80/20 rule was developed by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. in 1906, he noticed that eighty percent of Italian land was owned by twenty percent of the people. As an economic principle, it’s all about identifying the best assets of something and using them efficiently to recap the maximum benefit.

What Are the 7 Steps to Decluttering Your Life the Feng Shui Way?
In the Feng Shui decluttering approach, there are seven steps to clearing clutter from your life. We refer to Karen Kingston’s book, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, and the seven steps to decluttering. We have been reading this book every year to refresh our ability to explain this concept to our clients.

What is the First Thing to Declutter?
When we approach a new client, we often discuss which direction they would prefer to go. Some of our clients prefer to use the KonMari Method®. The KonMari Method® moves in a sequence. This sequence is: Clothes, Books, Papers, Konomo (Miscellaneous Items) and finally, Sentimental Items.

Let’s Talk About Downsizing
While most people wait for this life change to occur before deciding what to declutter, I have been donating and discarding items for years. I have planned in advance so that when it is time to downsize, I’m ready. It is, however, not a common way to approach downsizing. Let me take you through some simple steps to get acquainted.

How to Get Your Energy Back by Decluttering
Energy and clutter are inextricably linked. When my home environment is dirty or needs decluttering, I feel exhausted. When my home is clean and tidy, I have abundant energy. By following some of our tips and tricks, you can keep your house in order and your energy high. It also keeps your mind clear for other things you need to do.

Hanger Hack - Zero Effort Decluttering
Most likely, if you haven’t worn something in the past six months, you won’t wear it again. It’s time to let it go: donate. And, donate with joy. A quick, easy hanger hack is to turn all your hangers backwards. As you wear an item, turn it forward. After six months, you’ll be able to see what you wear and what you don’t. A simple and effective hack.