Decorating Your Home and Table for the Holidays
Home Organizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck Home Organizing, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck

Decorating Your Home and Table for the Holidays

Great design touches every one of our senses at the holidays. When you walk into a room, it shouldn’t just look beautiful - it should feel good, smell good, and be well lit. With the holidays just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to try out a few decorating ideas. For example, one of the biggest rules with lighting is to avoid relying on overhead lights.

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Let’s Talk About Downsizing
Downsizing, Storage Ideas Declutter Deck Downsizing, Storage Ideas Declutter Deck

Let’s Talk About Downsizing

While most people wait for this life change to occur before deciding what to declutter, I have been donating and discarding items for years. I have planned in advance so that when it is time to downsize, I’m ready. It is, however, not a common way to approach downsizing. Let me take you through some simple steps to get acquainted.

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A Few Tips to Keep Your Home Visitor Ready
Organization Hacks, Decorganize® Declutter Deck Organization Hacks, Decorganize® Declutter Deck

A Few Tips to Keep Your Home Visitor Ready

Any time you drop into my house, it’s visitor ready. Most people want to stop reading right here, and say that I’m crazy or abnormal. I get it. But, I also have learned a few tips and tricks over the years, and if you read further, you’ll see it’s not as hard as it looks. It makes it easy to invite a neighbor in for coffee at the drop of a hat. You can, too!

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Boxes vs. Baskets - Which Is Better For Organizing?
Dupes, Storage Ideas, Decorganize® Declutter Deck Dupes, Storage Ideas, Decorganize® Declutter Deck

Boxes vs. Baskets - Which Is Better For Organizing?

In the debate between which is better for organizing, boxes or baskets, boxes win hands-down. Every time! “Why?,” you ask. There’s one simple reason: it’s hard to put two baskets together without creating an awkward space in between. And, when you have a lot of things to store, you need that extra storage area so all space is used.

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Disguised Storage - Decorganize®
Storage Ideas, Decorganize® Declutter Deck Storage Ideas, Decorganize® Declutter Deck

Disguised Storage - Decorganize®

In our last blog, we talked about products that do double duty. Like storage ottomans and mirrors with hooks for jewelry. We love storage that doesn’t look like storage. We love ways to disguise storage, to make it look like it fits right in. We call it Decorganizing®,” which is organizing with beautiful and functional decor items.

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Organizing Hacks 101
Dupes, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck Dupes, Organization Hacks Declutter Deck

Organizing Hacks 101

Everyone loves a good organizing hack. It’s what saves you all the buying, returning, rebuying and trying to figure out exactly how to handle the annoying space that isn’t just quite right, no matter what you do to organize it. Organizing hacks are tricks that we’ve learned from working in so many homes that are all different. Try some!

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