Sell, Donate, or Trash?
“Should I sell, donate or throw this thing away?” It’s a very common question and one that saps the declutterer’s energy. My rule of thumb is to make the decision quickly, and don’t look back once you’ve decided to let something go. That’s the best way to eliminate excess clutter in your environment.

Decluttering Mistakes
Decluttering, simply defined, is “removing a mess or clutter from a place.” That’s it. So, whether you chose one of the methods listed in this blog, a hybrid approach, or another method from one of our other blogs, just do what works for you. The most important thing is to get started.

2024 New Year’s Resolution: An Uncluttered Home
The list of recycled New Year’s resolutions goes on and on. From being able to fit back into your skinny jeans, to eating better, exercising more and everything else in between, these resolutions are typically a passing commitment. Think about the New Year’s resolution of getting your life in order. It’s a great way to start the year.