How to Design a More Pet-Friendly Home
No matter what kind of pet you have, you want them to feel safe, secure, and comfortable in your home. After all, it is their home, too. But, let’s face it, pet food bowls, toys, and pet care products are not always the most attractive or sophisticated-looking home decor items.

Where and How Do I Begin to Declutter My Home?
A good place to start is in the bathroom. After you’ve conquered the bathroom, you can move on to other areas of your home. Feeling a win in your bathroom will be motivating and bring you more peace. You just have to get started. In this blog, we offer tips and tricks to get you started in your primary and secondary bathrooms.

Decluttering Mistakes
Decluttering, simply defined, is “removing a mess or clutter from a place.” That’s it. So, whether you chose one of the methods listed in this blog, a hybrid approach, or another method from one of our other blogs, just do what works for you. The most important thing is to get started.

The Benefits of Decluttering Toys – Part 1
Simplifying the toys in your home will reduce clutter, stress, and improve the quality of your child’s play. This is Part 1 of 2 in an explanation of the meaning of toys, their importance, and the best way to declutter them. Kids can be fickle with toys. One moment they love them, the next they stay in the corner.

What Is the Best Decluttering Method?
Decluttering is a very rewarding experience. Purchasing less and experiencing more have shown to have health benefits and make us feel emotionally fulfilled. Purchasing less also impacts the environment as we move away from consumerism. There are many methods for decluttering. Let’s look at a few of them.

How to Donate
In my home, if an item does not serve a purpose or serve me for a personal reason, I let it go. I feel that when I let go of things, it clears my energy and reduces distractions and visual clutter. Donating to others also changes their lives in positive ways. For example, if I have too much of one thing, I can get by with less and donate excess.

How Do I Start Decluttering?
People often ask, how do I start decluttering? There is, of course, no magic formula. What I typically tell people is that you need to assess your individual situation and come up with a plan. No two people are alike, and no two decluttering plans are alike. There are, though, several common ways to get going, and we will discuss them here.

Decision Fatigue and Decluttering
At the risk of oversimplifying, a key player in decision-making is your prefrontal cortex (the area of your brain just behind your forehead). This area of the brain determines how quickly or slowly you become overwhelmed. Known as the “amygdala hijack,” there is a lot to learn about decluttering and avoiding that overwhelming feeling.

What is the 20/20 Rule for Decluttering?
The 20/20 rule for decluttering is different from the 80/20 rule for decluttering. The 20/20 rule states that when struggling to decide whether to let go of an item, you should consider letting it go if you can replace it for less than $20.00, and you can replace it in less than 20 minutes.

What Are the 7 Steps to Decluttering Your Life the Feng Shui Way?
In the Feng Shui decluttering approach, there are seven steps to clearing clutter from your life. We refer to Karen Kingston’s book, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, and the seven steps to decluttering. We have been reading this book every year to refresh our ability to explain this concept to our clients.

How to Get Your Energy Back by Decluttering
Energy and clutter are inextricably linked. When my home environment is dirty or needs decluttering, I feel exhausted. When my home is clean and tidy, I have abundant energy. By following some of our tips and tricks, you can keep your house in order and your energy high. It also keeps your mind clear for other things you need to do.

Make Space for Abundance by Decluttering
When you have more space around you, you have more space in your mind to think clearly, calmly, and from a fresh perspective. This serves you in making decisions, large or small, and moves your life forward. When you are overwhelmed with clutter, it’s hard to think clearly. We teach you ways to keep your mind focused and clear.

Someday Syndrome - The Cause of Clutter
Why does she keep a pile of recipes she will never make? That’s the question for any clutter we know we don’t want but still keep. Most likely, she’s suffering from “Someday Syndrome” and having trouble letting go. “Someday Syndrome” is a form of procrastination and avoidance that keeps us stuck in clutter and old habits.

Boxes vs. Baskets - Which Is Better For Organizing?
In the debate between which is better for organizing, boxes or baskets, boxes win hands-down. Every time! “Why?,” you ask. There’s one simple reason: it’s hard to put two baskets together without creating an awkward space in between. And, when you have a lot of things to store, you need that extra storage area so all space is used.

Dorm Room Organization
Creative decorating and organization for a college dorm room are a real thing. As I’ve watched my friend pack a headboard, hutch, sheets, pillows, European pillows, decorative pillows, mattress pads, towels, and toiletries (just to start), I’m thinking to myself that I didn’t get this much stuff when I got married. Times have really changed.

Feng Shui
When we have too many things occupying one space, or things that aren’t being utilized, this creates a blockage of energy flow. Feng Shui practitioners refer to this as clutter. A simple technique in this tradition is referred to as clutter clearing. Clutter clearing is a way to look at how to let go of things to clear energy and clutter.

Organizing and Decluttering for ADHD
We get a lot of calls from people with ADHD who need help decluttering and organizing their space. Those who call us for help typically tell us two things. One, they don’t know where to start to clear clutter and get organized. And two, their clutter and disorganization make their ADHD symptoms worse.

How Do I Organize and Declutter By Myself?
Here is the first question to ask yourself when deciding to tackle decluttering and organizing by yourself: what does my ideal life look like? This is the first question the KonMari Method® asks, too. If we imagine our ideal lifestyle, we are able to take steps to organize our homes in ways that reflect how we truly want to live our lives.

Loss, Clutter and Letting Go
It’s important that we look below the surface, to help see the meaning of a situation and also its silver lining. Working with a client who had recently lost her best friend showed us that even in very small things, like a sweater, there can be a lot of emotion. When remembering a loved one, keep a sentimental item or two that has true meaning.

The Uncluttered Life® and Our Organizing Philosophy
Many of us hold on to images and concepts of ourselves that no longer apply. We also hold on to clutter that reinforces that image. Holding on to things that no longer serve us keeps us “stuck” in certain emotional and physical places and patterns. It’s often tough to get out from under these patterns. We offer suggestions that help.