Fast Fashion and the Impact on Clutter
Fast fashion is the business model of replicating recent catwalk trends and high-fashion designs, mass-producing them at a low cost, and bringing them to retail quickly while demand is at its highest. Many items often end up in landfills after the trend has passed, impacting our environment.

Donation Ideas and Decluttering
Where to donate items is a concern for many people. They often get paralyzed by making the decision. We believe it is important to do your homework about donation sites, and then find the one or two that work for you. Finding the perfect place for each item can be as fatiguing as decluttering.

Decluttering Mistakes
Decluttering, simply defined, is “removing a mess or clutter from a place.” That’s it. So, whether you chose one of the methods listed in this blog, a hybrid approach, or another method from one of our other blogs, just do what works for you. The most important thing is to get started.

The Benefits of Decluttering Toys – Part 2
Watch your kids play for a week to get a sense of the toys they enjoy. Note which toys are most frequently used and those they love. And look to see which are being entirely ignored. Evaluate everything (dead batteries, outgrown, broken pieces) so you know the real reason some toys are no longer used.

How Should I Declutter My Pet’s Belongings?
Pets are a gift to us. They comfort us when we are down, bring us tremendous joy, and yet, sometimes make a mess. This blog discusses the importance of keeping a tidy space for our furry friends. Pets are sensitive to their surroundings like people. Here are a few good ideas for you to try.

2024 New Year’s Resolution: An Uncluttered Home
The list of recycled New Year’s resolutions goes on and on. From being able to fit back into your skinny jeans, to eating better, exercising more and everything else in between, these resolutions are typically a passing commitment. Think about the New Year’s resolution of getting your life in order. It’s a great way to start the year.

Clutter and Decluttering
The definition of decluttering is the process of deciding whether the things in your environment are clutter, and if not, where they belong in your home. And, in addition, acting on that decision once you have made it. The process of decluttering will help you make permanent, beneficial changes in your life. Here are a few suggestions.

What Should I Remove First When Decluttering?
Clothing is worn close to our bodies and, therefore, close to our hearts. By decluttering clothing first, we get in touch with our heart center. Digging deeper, it is most important to start decluttering with the clothing worn on the upper body. This is where we get in touch with ourselves. Based on the KonMari Method® by Marie Kondo.

How Do I Bring the Outdoors Into My House?
Research demonstrates the importance of spending time outside in nature. Just thirty minutes a day, research suggests, can help improve sleep quality, boost the immune system, and reduce anxiety and stress. Many believe that this is essential to a person’s well-being, however, we may forget to bring this natural element inside.

What is the 80/20 Rule for Decluttering?
Known as Pareto’s Principle, the 80/20 rule was developed by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. in 1906, he noticed that eighty percent of Italian land was owned by twenty percent of the people. As an economic principle, it’s all about identifying the best assets of something and using them efficiently to recap the maximum benefit.

Mudroom Storage Options and Organization
People often ask, as they are decluttering and organizing their homes, what the best storage solution is for their needs. There is no simple answer to this question. In fact, storage is best determined by space. There are many choices from which to pick. We offer several ideas to help you get thinking about storage options in the mudroom.

What is the Difference Between Clutter and Decluttering?
Clutter can make us feel stressed, anxious, and depressed. In fact, research shows that when we have clutter in our lives, it can increase our cortisol levels, the “stress hormone.” Living in constant clutter can make us feel like we are under unrelenting assault. Where does clutter come from and how can we let it go?

What is the First Thing to Declutter?
When we approach a new client, we often discuss which direction they would prefer to go. Some of our clients prefer to use the KonMari Method®. The KonMari Method® moves in a sequence. This sequence is: Clothes, Books, Papers, Konomo (Miscellaneous Items) and finally, Sentimental Items.

How Can I Declutter My Life and Reduce Stress?
Let’s face it. Clutter is stressful. It overtakes your life and makes it feel heavy, cumbersome, and difficult to manage. The more clutter you have, the heavier your life can feel. For that reason, it’s extremely important to take an approach to decluttering that confronts all the places clutter can collect. Really, it’s all about decluttering your life.

Swedish Death Cleaning
Any time you drop into my house, it’s visitor ready. Most people want to stop reading right here, and say that I’m crazy or abnormal. I get it. But, I also have learned a few tips and tricks over the years, and if you read further, you’ll see it’s not as hard as it looks. It makes it easy to invite guests in for a cup of coffee on the spur of the moment.

Let’s Talk About Downsizing
While most people wait for this life change to occur before deciding what to declutter, I have been donating and discarding items for years. I have planned in advance so that when it is time to downsize, I’m ready. It is, however, not a common way to approach downsizing. Let me take you through some simple steps to get acquainted.

A Few Tips to Keep Your Home Visitor Ready
Any time you drop into my house, it’s visitor ready. Most people want to stop reading right here, and say that I’m crazy or abnormal. I get it. But, I also have learned a few tips and tricks over the years, and if you read further, you’ll see it’s not as hard as it looks. It makes it easy to invite a neighbor in for coffee at the drop of a hat. You can, too!

How to Get Your Energy Back by Decluttering
Energy and clutter are inextricably linked. When my home environment is dirty or needs decluttering, I feel exhausted. When my home is clean and tidy, I have abundant energy. By following some of our tips and tricks, you can keep your house in order and your energy high. It also keeps your mind clear for other things you need to do.

Make Space for Abundance by Decluttering
When you have more space around you, you have more space in your mind to think clearly, calmly, and from a fresh perspective. This serves you in making decisions, large or small, and moves your life forward. When you are overwhelmed with clutter, it’s hard to think clearly. We teach you ways to keep your mind focused and clear.

Six Amazon Kitchen Organizing Products That Look Expensive - But Aren’t
In this blog, we’d like to tell you about some expensive-looking kitchen organizing items that are easy on your budget. We know these products will go a long way to improving your kitchen decluttering and organizing. Although not decorganizing® products, we think they function really well in your space as such.