10 Statistics About Fast Fashion Waste
The effect of fast fashion waste on the environment is no news. Besides being responsible for nearly 10% of global carbon emissions, the industry is also known for the resources it wastes. Millions of clothes ending up in landfills. We suggest efficient decluttering, and purchasing wisely.

Don’t Put It Down, Put It Away
By putting things away instead of putting them down, we are able to stop clutter in its tracks. Clutter tends to accumulate when we do not put things back in their designated spot or they do not have a spot to live in. Everything needs to have a home so it has a space to accommodate it. That trick reduces clutter and disorganization.

Someday Syndrome - The Cause of Clutter
Why does she keep a pile of recipes she will never make? That’s the question for any clutter we know we don’t want but still keep. Most likely, she’s suffering from “Someday Syndrome” and having trouble letting go. “Someday Syndrome” is a form of procrastination and avoidance that keeps us stuck in clutter and old habits.

Organizing and Decluttering for ADHD
We get a lot of calls from people with ADHD who need help decluttering and organizing their space. Those who call us for help typically tell us two things. One, they don’t know where to start to clear clutter and get organized. And two, their clutter and disorganization make their ADHD symptoms worse.

Loss, Clutter and Letting Go
It’s important that we look below the surface, to help see the meaning of a situation and also its silver lining. Working with a client who had recently lost her best friend showed us that even in very small things, like a sweater, there can be a lot of emotion. When remembering a loved one, keep a sentimental item or two that has true meaning.