The World of Dormify
Who would have thought? The concept of Dormify, the one stop shopping site for college students to outfit their dorm room, is a thing. It makes me want to dial back the years and go back to college dorm living. In my day, we brought nothing more than sheets and a comforter, a waste can, lamp, and a few personal items from home. I was lucky enough to have a toaster oven, but that was even over the top for those times. Now, there is Dormify, which is the ultimate one-stop shop for college dorm rooms. What’s best about Dormify and college products, in general, is that everything is coordinated now. The colors all go together, the sizes are just right, and someone has done the organization homework for you. It’s a win for everyone.
Organize your dorm room with Dormify. These products are also great for apartment living.
Let me say that we are not in any way affiliated with Dormify. We just find it fascinating. The site includes suggestions for storage, headboards, bedding, pillows and throws, wall décor, laundry, and shower ideas. Wow! College dorm room set up takes a good deal of planning and understanding of what you’ll need. Dormify simplifies all this and makes the transition to dorm room life easier. Check out their store on Amazon.
Let’s Dormify your dorm or apartment.
In this blog, we will focus on storage options since that is one of the most important aspects of going away to school. And, because we are organization specialists, we can see what Dormify is trying to accomplish. Dorm rooms are typically small and the number of things that need to be stored can be tremendous. For that reason, we will highlight a few of the standouts on Dormify, and help you think about storage that you will need to keep everything in order and your college life sane. Dormify’s products are the ultimate small space decorating essentials. They’re wonderful for college students and post-grads because they create exclusive products specifically designed for small space living without sacrificing style.
Great ideas from Dormify for small space living.
One of the most important needs in college is the ability to charge several devices. In dorm rooms that were built before devices became a thing, outlet plugs were for a lamp. Or maybe a record player. The need for charging was not necessary. No one brought a computer to college. Now, however, there is the need to plug in your phone, laptop, or iPad – just to start. For that reason, storage that includes an outlet to charge your devices is crucial. Some dorm rooms that have not been renovated for years may lack adequate wall outlets.
Some of our favorite Dormify products:
Dormify makes space saving dressers for bedrooms. This fabric side table is a good idea to place next to your bed. It comes in white, gray, and bright white and has wheels so it can easily be moved around your dorm room depending upon where storage it is needed. This mini dresser has three drawers for storing anything, especially clothing such as underwear, socks, and pajamas. It is the perfect tall narrow dresser for bedrooms and a great storage addition to any room. It also works great in apartments where space is scarce.
A second option is this storage dresser. It, too, comes with a charger and is available in both white and gray. This dresser comes with one outlet and two USB ports. So, you can store products while you charge your devices right beside you. This is one of Dormify’s must haves. The price point for this product is $175.00. Again, it’s also a great idea for apartment living.
Thin storage is also available on Dormify. Here is a very narrow piece that might just fill in the gap between two other pieces of larger furniture. This narrow dresser is perfect for storing miscellaneous school supplies. It, too, comes on wheels and is made of fabric. It’s also great for make-up and things that don’t take up a lot of space.
One product that we truly love is the bedside caddy. In fact, it’s such a great item, I may purchase one for my bed at home. This product keeps your phone, glasses and other necessities organized and right where you need them. It has an extension cord holder so you can charge all your devices. There is no need for a nightstand, especially if space is tight, with this convenient bedside caddy. The non-slip backing lets you tuck it snuggly between your mattress and box spring, giving you everything you need within arm’s reach. It is made of polyester with a non-slip backing. Dimensions are 24” wide by 25” high.
Underbed storage is also key. Using risers to raise the bed up, there is a good deal of room for underbed storage. This underbed storage provides easy access for all your belongings. With handles on either side, it makes access easy. The best part is that the underbed storage is on wheels and can easily be brought out and tucked right back in after you get out what you need. In these pieces, you can store seasonal clothing so that your closet only contains what’s needed for that time of year. This is a great piece for those living in a small environment, such as an apartment.
Another storage option for school supplies is a lamp. This lamp also offers storage at the lamp’s base and room for your phone. This desk lamp comes with a USB port and a 2-prong outlet, allowing you to charge your devices while you work. Light up your space, while simultaneously charging your phone, keeping it close at hand. What could be better than a charging lamp?
Here's another good idea. This lamp provides a catch-all so that you can put your small things in it. Small things might include earrings that you take off at night, a ring, hair ties, nail polish, or any small items that tend to get lost. There are two places to store small things. Throw a chap stick in one for cold weather days or put your keys in them every time you walk into your dorm room. With a dedicated place for items that tend to get lost, you’ll always know where to find the things that often escape you. Great for apartment living to put either in a bedroom or near the front door.
These storage options for college make the transition from home life to school living that much easier. Dormify is a great option to check out ideas for making your room homey and comfortable for the semesters away. You can also compare these options to other products on Amazon to see what works best for you.
Space planning is crucial while at college.
Nothing is more frustrating that purchasing a bunch of things you need for school and opening your dorm room door, only to see that what you purchased prior to getting to school just won’t fit. Remember that you can always add to the products you’ve bought after you arrive in your dorm room. Most products need to be put together, so it always helps to have a friend to help with the assembly process. For more ideas, see our Dorm Deck on our sister site,