Asbestos and Projects in Older Homes

One of our readers asked that we include this information in our blogs. We agree that this topic is important to discuss, since many DIY renovators also are interested in putting in storage once the project is complete. In this blog, we will discuss the risks of asbestos in renovating older homes.

Handing, Disposing and Recycling Asbestos

The best way to handle, dispose of and recycle asbestos is to hire licensed asbestos abatement professionals. Improper handling of asbestos-containing materials puts workers and the public at risk. Asbestos exposure causes diseases such as mesothelioma cancer, lung cancer and asbestosis.

The risk of developing one of these diseases increases with every exposure to the material asbestos. Unfortunately, mesothelioma specialists haven’t found a cure. Asbestos-related diseases are treatable but incurable. That is why strict regulations exist.

These regulations aim to prevent workers and the public from exposure to asbestos. Large fines and serious penalties are in place for those who violate asbestos laws. It’s interesting, on television home renovation shows, this issue does tend to come up regularly, and specialists are always called in to help with the clean-up.

Fines and penalties deter do-it-yourselfers from performing asbestos abatement projects. These projects should be carried out only by a professional. They also incentivize building owners and abatement companies to follow regulations.

How to Handle and Dispose of Asbestos

The first and most important thing to know about handling and disposing of asbestos is that you should not do it yourself. Asbestos is a deadly carcinogen. Only licensed asbestos abatement professionals should handle it.

While you can find information online about DIY asbestos abatement, don’t attempt it. Do not disturb asbestos-containing materials in any way. If you do come across asbestos-containing products in your home, it is important to make sure they don’t release fibers. To do this, gently spray them with water until a professional can look at them and give advice. Professionals are highly trained and certified to follow all federal and state laws. If you don’t hire a professional, you are likely to break one of the many laws that regulate asbestos, and you run the risk of facing a fine or penalty.

Handling and disposing of asbestos regulations include:

Planning the Project Appropriately:

Licensed professionals know how to assess the size and severity of the abatement project. This matters a lot to local officials who supply permits for different types of asbestos-abatement projects.

Preparing the Work Area:

The work area must be sealed off with plastic sheeting and negative air pressure units must be used to prevent contamination outside the work area. Surfaces that don’t need abating must be covered in plastic sheeting. Warning signs must be posted to alert others that an asbestos project is underway.

Wearing Personal Safety Protection:

Workers must wear an N-100 or P-100 respirator and protective clothing to prevent asbestos exposure.

Safety Protocols in the Work Area:

HVAC systems must be disabled to prevent circulation of asbestos fibers. Workers should use wet wipes or a HEPA vacuum to clean asbestos off immoveable objects to control dust. A HEPA vacuum is used to clean up the area when the abatement is finished.

How to Handle and Dispose of Asbestos Waste:

Asbestos-containing materials are wetted prior to any removal efforts. Workers must be wearing a respirator and personal safety protection as they work with contaminated materials. All asbestos waste generated during the project must be wetted before it is double bagged in 6-millimeter plastic bags and enclosed in a plastic, leak-tight container with a lid and proper labeling. It can only be disposed of in special landfills that are designated to receive asbestos waste.

Creating Decontamination Units:

Decontamination enclosure systems must be installed to allow workers to remove contaminated clothing, shoes and tools.

Following Decontamination Procedures:

Professionals must follow specific steps to safely remove contaminated protective clothing and equipment. These procedures ensure worker safety and prevent workers from tracking asbestos into their homes.

For more information about asbestos and DIY projects, please see


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