The Uncluttered Life

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The Uncluttered Life

Professional Organizing

The Uncluttered Life®, founded in 2019, is a professional in-home, as well as online subscription-based organizing company. Founded in Orange County, Calif. The Uncluttered Life® has recently made its new home in the DFW area.

“Our family was growing,” say The Uncluttered Life® co-founders, “and we wanted the newer generation to grow up surrounded by love and family.” Three generations now live within a five-minute walking distance of one another.

The Uncluttered Life® co-founders, Cathy and Danica, are a mother-daughter organizing duo who were on the declutter bandwagon long before “Spark Joy” was a household phrase. Cathy is one of only 50 people worldwide to hold a Master Level Certification in Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method® of organization.

When Danica is asked how long she has been organizing, she jokingly replies, “My entire life! When your mom is one of the most organized people on the planet, your training begins at birth.”

All joking aside, Danica, a young mother, understands the chaos of having young children. “I am very sensitive to clutter, especially now that I am a mom,” she says. “Motherhood has really honed my organizing skills! I’m all about a quick cleanup and easy maintenance, which good organization makes possible.”

What makes The Uncluttered Life® so unique is that between the two co-founders, Cathy and Danica understand organizing needs at all different stages of life.

“Your needs change continuously,” Cathy says. “You have to make your home reflect the stage of life you’re in or your home will never be functional.”

At the core of their philosophy, they believe that your home should reflect who you are now, rather than who you used to be, or hope to be someday. People are so much happier when their space functions well, and that’s what they strive to provide for their clients.

“It may sound silly, but good organization and a functional system really do change people’s lives,” they say. You can book a free 30-minute, online consultation to evaluate your organization needs for clutter-free living at theunclutteredlife. com.

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