The Uncluttered Life

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How to Donate

The reason for this blog is to show you how easy it is to donate items that are sitting in your home, gathering dust, or standing in the way of your sanity. I make donating a regular part of my life. Donating keeps me clutter-free. On a recent Zoom call, a client asked to see the inside of my home. I imagine it was for inspiration. We were having a virtual decluttering session, and I think she wanted to see if I practice what I preach. I do!

Your stuff should serve a purpose.

In my home, if an item does not serve a purpose, I let it go. I feel that when I let go of things, it clears my energy and reduces distractions and visual clutter. Each day, I put a box at the door to my office. As I regularly go about my day, I might identify a few decor items that I no longer need. I might also see an article of clothing that no longer looks the way I want it to or a small piece of inexpensive jewelry. Maybe someone else might put it to better use. As I’m cooking, I may see a duplicate of a kitchen item and know that I have enough of that one tool. I might go into the bathroom and see that I have too much of one hygiene product and more than enough to last me until the expiration date on the box or bottle. Whatever it is, and without regret and over-thinking it, I put the item in my donation box. At the end of the day, if there is enough inside, I take the box to donation. If not, I live with the box for a few more days, perhaps decluttering a little more, and then take the box to donation.

You can do this, too!

I believe that donating to others does two things. First, it helps by reducing visual clutter and distractions. As you organize, you’ll see that you won’t need to buy as many organization containers as you had imagined. The second reason, and the one I believe is a universal truth: donating is good for the soul and the psyche. Donating makes you more appreciative of what you have and gives more meaning to the things you keep. As Marie Kondo asks, “Does it spark joy?” If so, keep it. If not, let it go.

Gratitude is also woven into this mindset. According to recent studies by researchers at UC Davis and the University of Miami, gratitude is a way to appreciate what you have instead of always reaching for something new in the hope something new will make you happier. Gratitude helps you refocus on what you have instead of what you lack. And this mental state grows stronger with use and practice.

Practice gratitude by donating excess “stuff.”

So, let’s get to it! Wind your way through your home and let your eyes survey your home’s interior landscape. The objective of this exercise is to find approximately twenty objects that no longer serve you. When you find one, no matter how big or small, put it in the donate box. Don’t look back, just keep going until you have found at least twenty things that you are willing to donate, no longer serve you or do not bring you joy and happiness. It’s that easy.

Look in the garage for lots of items to donate.

One place to look for excess is often in the garage, where we shove things that we don’t know how to categorize or where to store. Often, this is low hanging fruit. Donating twenty items from your garage often makes it easier to pull your car in without driving through an obstacle course. And as an extra bonus, if you’re decluttering and your car is parked in the garage, stick the donation box inside your car (the trunk, perhaps) which is incredibly convenient. Once you have found approximately twenty items, take these items directly to donation. Take a picture of the items in your car so you’ll accurately record what you donated. Get your donation receipt, write down what you donated on the back of it, and call it a day. We truly believe in this system and know it will be a win for you. Give it a try!

The Uncluttered Life, Inc. has a decluttering solution: Declutter Deck®

Declutter Decks® are your solution to learning to donate. Declutter Decks® are organizing prompt cards that help you get and stay organized at home. By breaking down decluttering into bite-sized pieces, you will eventually declutter and organize your entire home.

Produced under the trade name life Hack Decks®, these cards are powerful micro-prompt motivational card decks that make your life easier while reducing stress in your day. Declutter Decks® instructional decluttering decks simplify ineffective routines and help you go from stuck and overwhelmed to inspired and empowered.

The Declutter Deck® focuses your efforts on a decluttered home.

Our decluttering cards are typically focused on less-than-an-hour tasks or suggest doing a very specific number of things. You may, for example, draw a card that says clean out your junk drawer for thirty minutes. By setting a timer for each organizing prompt, you not only keep yourself on track, but also reduce the number of decisions you need to make. Having a length of time to perform a task reduces your indecisiveness and improves your decision-making skillset. You don’t have forever to decide whether you want to keep your junk drawer odds and ends, which moves you more quickly along the path to completion.

Look for the Entire Collection of Life Hack Decks®

Designed to improve your life through little “life hacks,” the collection of Hack Decks® includes:

Date Deck® to help you and a partner stop doing the “same old thing” and go exploring, learn more about each other, and have fun together.

Declutter Deck® organizing prompts to help you get and stay organized at home. By breaking down decluttering into bite-sized pieces, you will eventually declutter and organize your entire home.

Dorm Deck to send along to school with your college student. This deck provides subtle reminders of things that will make their lives that much easier when it’s their first time away from home. Includes reminders to call and text often.

New Mama Deck helps new mothers ease into the transition of parenthood, reduce isolation and manage the stress that comes along with having a newborn.

Random Acts of Kindness Deck to help you discover kind things to do for others who either play a significant part in your life, or with whom you’d love a deeper connection.

How Do Life Hack Decks® Work?

Pull a card daily or in moments when you need some motivation or guidance. Pick a card. It’s that simple!

See for yourself! Order your Declutter Deck® today and see how you can reduce decision fatigue during the decluttering process. $19.95/pack of 52 cards.